Event Report- May 2008

Training Workshop On Competition Enforcement For Ethiopia(CPS.06)
May 12-16, 2008, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Presentations and Papers
Feedback Analysis Report

CUTS Centre for Competition, Investment and Economic Regulation (CCIER) and Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ethiopia co-organised a training workshop on ‘Competition Law Enforcement for Ethiopia’ (CPS.06). The training workshop was conducted by CUTS Institute for Regulation & Competition (CIRC). This workshop was meant mostly for members and staff of the Trade Practice Investigative Commission (TPIC), Ethiopia, though the ministry also invited other government departments, select academics, consumer organisation and media to the event.

The workshop was held at the Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) from May 12-16, 2008. It was a demand-based training workshop, and follow-up to an earlier training workshop ‘Competition Policy and Law’ (CPS.02), organised at the request of the Ethiopian government on March 29-30, 2006 in Addis Ababa.

The training workshop had 24 participants, and was conducted by experts/resource persons delivering on–(a) basic elements of competition; and (b) various practical aspects of competition enforcement. Over the period of the five days, the participants sharpened their skills on various aspects of competition policy and law through lectures, practical examples provided by resource persons, case studies and focused group discussions.