Time | Event |
0900 | Registration Welcome and Introduction |
00900 – 0915 | Pradeep S Mehta, CUTS International Lalit Bhasin,Co-chairman, FICCI’s Committee on Corporate Laws and Legal Affairs & president, SILF Keynote Address |
0915 – 0930 | (a snapshot of Competition Laws from around the world) Frederic Jenny Judge, Cour de Cassation (Supreme Court, France), Former Vice-chairman, Counseil de la Concurrence, (French Competition Authority) Keynote Address |
0930 – 0945 | (brief history of Competition Law in India; MRTP Act vs Competition Act 2002, key provisions of the Competition Act, enforcement issues) Vinod Dhall, Competition Commission of India |
0945 – 1000 | Questions/Answers |
1000 – 1030 | Tea/Coffee Panel Discussion on Merger Regulation (interpretation of key terms – e.g. relevant market, nature of information required to analyse a proposed merger, constraints faced, dealing with cross-border M&As) Thula Kaira Director, Merger & Acquisitions Division |
1030 – 1200 | Zambia Competition Commission, Zambia Anand Pathak Advocate, P&A Law Offices, India Eleanor Fox Professor, New York University School of Law, USA Chair: Frederic Jenny Judge, Cour de Cassation (Supreme Court, France), Former Vice-chairman, Counseil de la Concurrence, (French Competition Authority) Panel discussion on anti-competitive agreements (nature of evidence required, investigation tools used, constraints faced, what to do if the required information is not available?, per se vs rule of reason, public interest dimension) Frederic Jenny Judge, Cour de Cassation (Supreme Court, France), Former Vice-chairman, Counseil de la Concurrence, (French Competition Authority) Santiago Roca T Professor Principal, ESAN University, Peru, Former Chairman, Peruvian Competition Authority |
1200 – 1330 | Michal S. Gal Senior Lecturer and Director of Law and MBA Programme University of Haifa, Israel Anand Pathak Advocate, P&A Law Offices, India Chair: Allan Asher Chief Executive Officer, Energywatch, UK, and Non-executive Member, Office of Fair Trading, UK |
1330 – 1430 | Lunch Panel Discussion on Abuse of Dominance (nature of evidence required, investigation tools used, constraints faced, what to do if the required information is not available?, public interest dimension) Camila Safatle Head of Mergers, Secretariat for Economic Law, Brazil Joseph Seon Hur |
1430 – 1600 | Yoon Yang Kim Shin & Yu, Seoul John Preston Competition Policy Consultant, Private Sector Policy Department, DFID, UK S Chakravarthy Adviser/Consultant on Competition Policy and Law, and Former Member, MRTP Commission, India Chair: Subir Gokarn Chief Economist, Credit Rating Information Services of India Ltd. (CRISIL), India |
1600 – 1630 | Tea/Coffee Break Panel discussion on competition-sector regulation interface (areas of conflict/complementarity in the interface? How is the conflict resolved – experience from other jurisdictions, constraints faced) R S Khemani Advisor, Competition Policy, Private Sector Development-Vice Presidency, The World Bank Group USA, Former Chief Economist, Canadian Competition Bureau Cezley Sampson |
1630 – 1800 | Director of National Energy Efficiency, and Regulatory Governance Adviser to Government of Jamaica,
Jamaica Amit Kapur Partner, J Sagar & Associates, India Allan Asher Chief Executive Officer, Energywatch, UK, and Non-executive Member, Office of Fair Trading, UK Chair: S L Rao Chairman Institute for Social and Economic Change, India |