Agenda 18-21 May 2009

Training Programme for SERC Officials on Regulation, Competition and Consumer Protection Issues in the Electricity Sector in India

18-21 May 2009

Day 1: Monday, 18th May
0900-0930 Registration
0930-1100 Welcome and Opening
• Vision in the Electricity Act, 2003 and related policies
Navneet Sharma, Fellow, CUTS Institute for Regulation & Competition V. K. Khanna, Adviser, Forum of Regulators, Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
S. Jayaraman, Member, Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
1100-1130 Break
1130-1300 Session 1: Regulation versus Competition – Theory & Practice
Concepts – key areas
Approaches to regulation
Market based regime and competition.
Raghav Narsalay, India Lead, Accenture Institute for High Performance Business
1300-1400 Lunch
1400-1530 Session 2: Competition in the Infrastructure Sector
Competition – Why and How
Navneet Sharma, Fellow, CUTS Institute for Regulation & Competition
1100-1130 Break
1130-1300 Session 4: Issues on “Open Access” in Electricity Distribution
Role of the electricity regulator
Progress made so far in India
Wheeling charges and cross subsidy
S. C. Mahalik, Former Chairman, Orissa Electricity Regulatory Commission
1300-1400 Lunch
1400-1530 Session 5: Other Competition Issues in Electricity Distribution
Scope for competition in distribution models in India
Franchisee model
S. C. Mahalik, Former Chairman, Orissa Electricity Regulatory Commission
1530-1600 Break
1600-1730 Session 6: Competition in Electricity Transmission
Scope for integrating transmission networks with competitive electricity markets in India
Issues that need to be addressed: regulatory issues, network pricing, risk management, need of the independent system operators (ISOs), etc
National Grid and its role in competition in electricity transmission
Ajay Talegaonkar, Deputy Director, Distribution Planning & Development Division, Central Electricity Authority
Day 3: Wednesday, 20th May
0900-1100 Session 7: Tariff Regulation in the Electricity Sector in India
Basic issues on tariff structure and how it is regulated
K. Biswal , Chief (F), Central Electricity Regulatory Commission &
Pankaj Prakash, Secretary, Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission
1100-1130 Break
1130-1300 Session 8: Issues Concerning Availability Based Tariff
Roles and Responsibilities of Utilities
K. Venugopal, Member, Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission
1300-1400 Lunch
1400-1530 Session 9: Issues on Multi Year Tariff (MYT)
Justification of MYT
Key requirements in determining MYT
Process and control mechanism. K. Venugopal, Member, Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission
1530-1600 Break
1600-1730 Session 10: Developing Standards for Better Quality Service
Standard of Performance (SOP) Regulations
Monitoring of various parameters of performance
Incentive and dis-incentive for better compliance
Role of regulators in ensuring better quality service
Ashish Agarwal, Senior Consultant, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Day 4: Thursday, 21st May
0900-1030 Session 11: Role of Consumers in Regulatory Decision-Making Process in the Electricity Sector
Consumers participation in regulatory decision-making processrational, philosophy and challenges
Effective participation in the regulatory process, evidence from India, etc
Role of regulators and status of consumer participation in select states of India
S. K. Sharma, Assistant Secretary, Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission
1030-1100 Break
1100-1230 Session 12: Consumer Impact Analysis in the Electricity Sector
Basic concepts of CIA
CIA and its benefits to the electricity regulator
Challenges in implementing CIA
Navneet Sharma, Fellow, CUTS Institute for Regulation & Competition
1230-1300 Participants’ Feedback
1300-1400 Lunch & Departure