Agenda Building

Building “Friends of Competition” in India
Thursday, 24th November, 2011

Jacaranda I, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi


0900-0930 Hrs. Registration, tea/Coffee and networking
0930-1045 Hrs. Speakers

Welcome address
Pradeep S Mehta, Chairman, CUTS Institute for Regulation and

Key Challenges in Enforcement of Competition Law in India
Ashok Chawla, Chairman, Competition Commission of India

Competition Policy Reforms in Australia
Peter Varghese, Australian High Commissioner to India
Keynote Address
Creating Friends of Competition: the Role of Stakeholders
William Kovacic, Professor, George Washington University

Inaugural Address
The Comprehensive Need for Implementing an Effective
Competition Regime
M Veerappa Moily, Minister of Corporate Affairs

Vote of Thanks
Bhaskar Chatterjee, Director General, IICA
1045-1115 Hrs. Tea break
1115-1300 Hrs. Competition Law and Competition Policy
Chair: Dhanendra Kumar, Chairman, Committee for National
Competition Policy

Engaging Civil Society in Competition Reforms: Experiences from
the Developing World
Pradeep S Mehta, Chairman, CUTS Institute for Regulation &

Competition Issues and Public Pain
S.N. Dhingra, Member, Competition Commission of India

Role of Evidence in Competition Reforms: The Australian
Allan Fels, former Chairman, Australian Competition and Consumer

Engaging in Competition Policy Discourse: the Industry
Mohit Raizada, Vice President, IRB Infrastructure Developers Ltd.

Questions and answers
1300-1400 Hrs. Lunch break
1400-1600 Hrs. Expanding the Frontiers of Competition
Chair: William Kovacic, Professor, George Washington University

Creating Competition Culture: Australian Experience
Alan Fels, ANZ School of Governance

Sectoral Regulators and Stakeholder Engagement
Yashwant S Bhave, Chairperson, AERA

Engaging in Competition Policy Discourse: the SME Perspective
Mahendra Swarup, President, Indian Venture Capital Association

Infusing Competition Culture at State and sub-State Level – A
Public Procurement Perspective
Sandeep Verma, Director, Ministry of Defence

Mainstreaming Concerns of Common Men in Competition Law
A.K. Chauhan, Director General, Competition Commission of India

Questions and answers
1600 – 1630 Hrs. Tea
1630-1730 Hrs. Valedictory Session:

Bhaskar Chatterjee, Director General, IICA

William Kovacic, Professor, George Washington University
Alan Fels, ANZ School of Governance
Dhanendra Kumar, Chairman, Committee for National Competition

Valedictory address:
R.P.N. Singh, Minister of State for Corporate Affairs

Vote of Thanks
Pradeep S Mehta, Chairman, CUTS Institute for Regulation &